with Chapters 1&2 allusions.
Summary: Chapter 2
“Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.”
Holden greets Mr. Spencer and his wife in a manner that suggests he is close to them. He is put off by his
teacher’s rather decrepit condition but seems otherwise to respect him. In his sickroom, Spencer tries to lec-
ture Holden about his academic failures. He confirms Pencey’s headmaster’s assertion that “[l]ife is a game”
and tells Holden that he must learn to play by the rules. Although Spencer clearly feels affection for Holden,
he bluntly reminds the boy that he flunked him, and even forces him to listen to the terrible essay he handed in
about the ancient Egyptians. Finally, Spencer tries to convince Holden to think about his future. Not wanting
to be lectured, Holden interrupts Spencer and leaves, returning to his dorm room before dinner.
-Finish Chapter 2 questions
-Read chapters 3-5 before next class
-Quiz on chapters 1-5 September 28th