We watched the movie version of "THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME" pt. 1
Please finish questions 1-10 for next class.
On Thursday we will finish watching the rest of the movie.
Here is what we watched last day:
On a cabin cruiser the captain suspects the charts near a certain island. A doctor notes that animals killing to survive are called savage, while humans hunting for sport are considered civilized. He asks big game hunter Robert Rainsford (Joel McCrea) if there is as much sport for the tiger. Misplaced buoys cause the ship to run aground and sink. The captain and the doctor are killed by sharks, but Rainsford swims ashore and finds an old castle. Count Zaroff (Leslie Banks) says that survivors of a previous wreck are still in the house. Rainsford meets Eve (Fay Wray) and her brother Martin, who are stranded there. Zaroff has read Rainsford's books on hunting. He hunts at night, and a guest has been missing for three days. Eve spills her tea on purpose and mentions danger while Zaroff is talking about his hunting and how it began to bore him until he found a new animal, the most dangerous one. While Zaroff plays the piano, Eve tells Rainsford that two men have disappeared from the trophy room. Zaroff takes the drunk Martin into the trophy room as Eve and Rainsford retire to their rooms.