We finished "THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME" movie in class.
Finish questions 11-14 for next class Friday.
Tomorrow I will be telling you about the group art project for the story.
Here is what we watched today:
Several hours later Eve asks Rainsford to help find her brother. Zaroff's men carry the dead Martin into the trophy room. Zaroff has his men chain Rainsford, and he carries off Eve. Then he explains his game to Rainsford: he will give him a knife and one day's start, or he will be tortured if he refuses. Zaroff implies that the reward of the hunt will be Eve; but if they survive till the next dawn, he will free them both. Rainsford and Eve make a trap from a falling tree. Zaroff starting at midnight trips the trap with an arrow; then he returns with a rifle and calls for his dogs. A spear Rainsford buried stabs one of Zaroff's men. Rainsford and Eve flee through the swamp and climb a tree. Rainsford says he knows now what the animals he hunted felt. By a waterfall Rainsford fights with a dog; Zaroff shoots, and both he and the dog fall into the waterfall. Zaroff's man grabs Eve. After dawn in the castle Rainsford comes in, and Zaroff congratulates him. Zaroff reaches for a gun, and they fight. Rainsford defeats Zaroff and another man in turn, finally stabbing Zaroff with his own arrow. Rainsford takes the gun and shoots a pursuing man. He and Eve escape in the boat as Zaroff dies.