Today we had a quiz on chapters 8-10.
We then had an in class writing assignment
in which students wrote about their collective
memory of the September school festival.
Students were arranged in groups of four and they answered the following questions:1. Where do people keep their memories?
2. Where do groups of people keep their memories?
3. How are memories passed from generation to generation?4. In society who decides which memories are worth teaching?
5. What can we learn from other people's memories?
HOMEWORK-read chapters 14-16-do chapter 11-13 book Qs-do chapter 11-13 vocabulary QUIZ NEXT THURSDAY ON CHAPTERS 11-13
Chapter 13
Weeks pass and Jonas sees colors more and more. He struggles to understand why there are no choices about color in the community and The Giver explains that if people are given choices then they might make the wrong one, which is why people are protected by Sameness. Jonas tries secretly to show his friends and family some of what he has learned; however, his attempts are rebuffed with unawareness and annoyance. As he continues his training, Jonas tries to understand the importance of his new role. The Giver tells him that his life will become the memories that he holds and the occasional requests for council and advice from the Committee of Elders. He tells Jonas that when the previous Receiver-in-Training failed the memories and knowledge she had were not contained and caused a number of problems until they were re-assimilated. Some days Jonas is unable to train because The Giver is in too much pain because of the memories he carries. Finally, he asks The Giver to give some of that pain to him.